
How Do Search Engines Work?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing online visibility and ranking on search engines such as Google, Bing, and others.

This includes producing high-quality content as well as monitoring your site’s technical health, obtaining links from other sites to your site, retaining your site’s local search presence, and other tasks.

How Do Search Engines Work?

Search engines, such as Google, organize and rank content using relatively complex processes referred to as algorithms. Algorithms use a variety of ranking factors to determine how well a page ranks.

The long and short of it is that search engines consume digital content and organize it into results pages. The ultimate goal is for searchers to be satisfied with the results they find in search engine results pages (SERPs).


Incorporating keywords into your content is a big part of this. Keywords are words or phrases that people enter into search engines when conducting a search.

Your page’s keywords should be relevant to your business and, ideally, have a high search volume (i.e., enough people are asking a question on Google that you should write a corresponding page about it).

You can find keywords that are relevant to your strategy by using tools such as the Keyword Magic Tool or the Keyword Overview Tool.

Remember that simply repeating a keyword in a piece is an outmoded practice that will not help you rank in Google. Instead, use keywords to direct the content you create.

How Does Google Work?

The primary goal of an SEO strategy is typically to rank highly on Google.

Google works in the following stages to find and rank content:

  1. Crawling: Google crawls the web using “bots” to seek out new or revised pages. A page must have links pointing to it in order for Google to find it. In general, the more links a page has, the extremely easy it is for Google to find that page.
  2. Indexing: Following that, Google analyzes the URLs discovered by the bots and attempts to deduce what the page is about. Google will examine information, pictures, and other file types. It then saves this data in its Google Index (or its database).
  3. Serving: After evaluating URLs, Google helps determine which pages are most appropriate to users’ search queries and organizes them in the SERPs accordingly.


How Does SEO Work + Examples

SEO is the art and practice of persuading search engines to recommend your content as the ideal, most credible, and most realistic solution to their problem.

As previously stated, Google bots collect information on pages and add it to Google’s Index. The index is then reviewed by search engine algorithms based on hundreds of ranking factors to determine where pages should appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) based on user queries.

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