
Social Media Etiquette for Business Owners: 3 Basics

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As a business owner, a lot goes into maintaining a professional image on your company’s various social media platforms. At Apps Web Social, our experts are trained to manage daily development and execution of your social media profiles both efficiently and professionally. Here are three key standards we hold ourselves accountable for in maintaining proper social media etiquette for business owners.

Keep Profiles Up-to-Date

It is important to have social media profiles for your business filled out completely and up-to-date. This includes social media bio and profile picture, your company’s location, a link to your website, and any other essential information.

Maybe your company has expanded its goals. Make sure to mention these new goals in your Twitter bio. As your business grows, you might want to update your logo. Make sure you also update your Facebook Business page’s profile picture.  Maybe your office location has changed? Don’t forget to update your website’s link in your Instagram bio.

As your company evolves, don’t forget to keep your profiles evolving as well.

Update Regularly

The best way to develop and maintain a loyal fanbase on social media is regular, quality content. It is important to keep your social media accounts updated on a schedule. Know the key timeframe that your customer demographic will be online, checking their social media, and always try to post around this time. Figure out what works best for your company in terms of post content.

Consistency is key, but don’t be afraid to think out of the box every once in a while to keep your customers reading your posts. It is also important that you keep most of your posts entertaining and informative – not everything has to be a direct sales pitch. Making too many direct sales posts is a sure-fire way to lose customer interest.

Engage With Your Customers

When customers are able to communicate directly with a company and have their opinions heard, they are much more likely to do business/continue to do business with you. It is important to reply to as many messages, answer as many questions, and respond to as much feedback as possible. The larger your company’s userbase becomes, the more difficult this task will also become – so it is essential that you reply to the most frequently asked questions and address any big issues.

These three basic keys to social media etiquette will keep your company’s social media presence thriving and fruitful. The social media management team at Apps Web Social will be able to do all three of these things – maintain your accounts, keeping posts consistent and interesting, and engage with as many of your company’s customers as we can on your behalf – and more.

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