
The Importance of Social Media Marketing

In 2018, a reported 2.65 billion people used some form of social media. That is more than one-third of all people on Earth. This number is only expected to rise – Statista predicts we will reach 3.1 billion users by 2021. With this information in mind, it goes without saying that social media is one of, if notĀ theĀ most important way to market your company today.

But with all of the different social media platforms that exist today…Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest and many, many others…it may seem a bit overwhelming and even excessive to try and keep up a presence on so many different platforms. So what is the benefit of doing so? Let’s talk about the top three social media platforms in 2019 (as ranked by Statista): Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and why keeping up with them matters for your business.


Facebook was a pioneer in its field in 2006 and continues to reign as king in the social media world, and for good reason. Going beyond easily staying in contact with your loved ones, its Page platform makes it easy for users to build an interface with its customers and help any business establish a simple web presence.

In addition, Facebook advertising is incredibly cost-effective. Most Internet users spend most of their time on Facebook, and its billions of users are clicking and scrolling through its Feed constantly. The outreach you will achieve through Facebook is incredible.

Facebook also has an extremely efficient and accurate targeted advertising feature, allowing you to advertise to people by age, location, interests, behavior, et cetera. Because of this, Facebook is most likely the most important social media marketing platform you will have in your arsenal, and will remain as such indefinitely.


In 2016, Instagram added a Business Account feature, making it even easier for company owners to market to the masses. These accounts also provide Insights analytics and the ability to turn posts into ads directly from the app. Much like Facebook, Instagram features integrated advertising, and also aims their ads at users based on past interactions and behaviors.

Instagram also targets a bit of a different demographic than Facebook – while Facebook is mostly used by people aged 25 and older (with 65% of Facebook’s users being over the age of 35), Instagram is most popular with those aged 18 to 34. While all social media marketing relies heavily on visual tactics, Instagram is the most thoroughly visual and design-oriented social media network, which offers itself well to many companies.

Instagram also makes use of the “tag” feature, allowing users to explore related posts and be more likely to interact with your brand.


Twitter appeals to a similar age demographic as Instagram, but is more text-based as a website than image-based as Instagram is, which appeals to a certain kind of Internet user. It is also much faster paced than either of the other aforementioned platforms, requiring your company to provide more to-the-point advertisements, much like the notorious “elevator pitch.” While succinct, this kind of advertising is also important and will react a different audience than Facebook or Instagram.

Much like the previous two, Twitter also provides targeted advertising. Twitter also has the highest user-advertisement engagement of all three websites. Through its 140-character-maximum posts, Twitter is one of the most efficient places to build brand awareness.

Twitter perhaps puts the strongest emphasis on the “tag” feature out of all three websites, and tags are essential to getting your post out there and recognized by as many users as possible.

Now you may understand why social media marketing is so important to your business and brand, if you didn’t already, and why it is essential to maintain a presence on as many platforms as possible at once. The benefit of reaching out to as many Internet users as possible will make your company and product(s) accessible to as many people as possible, garnering you more customers overall.

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